
Saturday, November 23, 2013

Handled 39. FC Fox Haven’s Born To Run MH “Dash”, LM, Don Remien

Dog came to the line at 2:37 pm  EST

RF: one loop in the area to pick up the bird

HF: drove up the hill behind the gun station turned to the right and hunted back to the area to make the retrieve.

RR: traveled to the point got on the point hunted the tip of the point before retrieving the bird.

LR: took a line close to the RR, traveled thru the middle of the pond swam to the far shore exited the water and est. a mid-sized hunt on the far bank,then drove up the hill across the road making a few passes on the hill then was traveling back toward the area and popped , Don tweet-tweet-ed Dash in toward the bird and this was considered Handled to the bird.