O F F I C I A L    S P O N S O R S

WELCOME to the Official Blog of the 2013 National, November 17-23, 2013, held this year in Cheraw, South Carolina. This year's Blog is brought to you by the Retriever News and sponsored by our Official Sponsors Purina and Avery and our other Sponsors Ainley, Move the Dog Transportation and YBS Media. We hope you enjoy these multi-daily updates and please come back often!

This year we encourage visitors to participate in the National Open discussion located in the comments section of each post. These areas are a great outlet for remote communication and commentary for those unable to attend this year's NRC. Also, please keep an eye out for trivia, surveys and other interactive activities!

The Retriever News team consists of three members, Tina Styan, Tera Lanczak and Gwen Jones. Please don't hesitate to share any items of interest or photos that you think the retriever community might be interested in. Send submissions to Tina Styan at:
tstyan@theretrievernews.com Subject Line: 2013 NRC Blog. Thanks in advance and enjoy the coverage...

2013 NRC Test Descriptions

Tests 1 & 2

Test 3

Tests 4 & 5

Test 6

Test 7

Test 8

Test 9

Test 10

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November 2013 Issue


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Friday, November 22, 2013

55. FC-AFC Lubys And Whitewaters Pirate’s Jewel

came to the line at 4:28 pm

RF: Front-Footed it !

MR: traveled a good line to the holding blind, est a hunt just deep of the fall and quickly retrieve the bird.

HFR: traveled to the front of the holding blind drove a bit deep and left to then work back to pick up the bird.



These guys are getting it DONE! One minute flat!!! The News Team timed the Re-Bird just for giggles and found the guys are SWIFT!


Handle 51. FC-AFC Robbers’ Stray Bullet “Bullet”, LM, Alan Pleasant

RF: Stomped it!

MR: dog broke down and began to hunt way right of the holding blind. Did not appear as if dog was going to recover over to the bird, Alan Handled Bullet to the bird.

HFR: traveled up the hill straight to the area to retrieve the bird for a nice mark.


52. FC LKY’s Controlled Chaos “Riot”, LM, Kenny Trott

RF: bird landed in a mowed strip and Riot pounced on it!

MR: made one loop near the holding blind then retrieved the bird.

HFR: traveled toward the holding blind, then over to the area, est a small concentrated hunt before retrieving the bird. Good Job!


Handle 50. FC Baypoint’s Shades Of Bleu “Magic”, LM, Jim Gonia

RF: Pinned it!

MR: traveled toward the area, drove a bit deep, made a few passes before turning back to hunt the correct piece of cover and retrieve the bird.

HFR: looked out well drove to the top of the hill deep of the area,est. a hunt on top of the hill far from the bird did not look like he was going to recover so Jim Handled Magic to the bird.


Thank you to the Sponsors of the 2013 NRC BLOG

Here are Our Sponsors for the BLOG … 
Please thank them for supporting the Retriever News Team 
and our retriever sport all year long!





Re-Run/Pick Up 20. FC Hunting Creek Classy Girl JH “Classy”, LF, Alan Pleasant

RF: two quick tight loops to retrieve the bird

MR: went straight to the bird

HFR: started up the hill made a move toward the old fall when Alan attempted to handle with no-luck so he had to Pick-Up the dog.


Handle 49. FC-AFC Big Alfonse Capone Of Mo-Kan “Al”, LM, Bill Eckett

RF: had a short flyer, put up a hunt in the original area of the other flyers before coming up with this short flyer.

MR: smacked it!

HFR: hunted in the area for a good while before Bill Handled Al to the bird to complete the retrieve.


48. FC-AFC Kimber VIII “Kimber”, LF, Jerry Patopea

came to the line at 3:40 pm

RF: made three quick tight loops in the area before retrieving the bird.

MR: made one loop deep of the area then made a move to the right and worked way back to retrieve the bird

HFR: traveled the mowed path near the area put up a sizable hunt in the area before retrieving the bird.


Re-Run 31. FC Wing Magic’s Standpipe Moon “Piper”, LF, Mark Edwards

came to the line at 3:34 pm

RF: had a long flyer, made a few passes in the area before retrieving the bird.

MR: drove just deep of the area est a hunt in the next deepest cover patch before coming back to the correct cover patch and completing the retrieve.

HFR: took off hard drove the hill and kept going until reaching the top of the hill, dog est a hunt and hunted his way back to the area to complete the retrieve.


Re-Run4. FC-AFC Ragin Eye Of The Storm “Cane”, LM, Alan Pleasant

came to the line at 3:27 pm

RF: smacked it.

MR: traveled a path straight the area to retrieve the bird clean.

HFR: traveled a good line angling the hillside toward the area, est a hunt deep of the area. The dog's hunt started out tight and got bigger and bigger before coming up with the bird to complete the retrieve.


Gun Change

We had a gun change at 3:20 pm


No-Bird 45. FC-AFC Tip From A Gypsy “Marley”, LF, Danny Farmer

No-Bird HFR:


39. FC Fox Haven’s Born To Run MH “Dash”, LM, Don Remien

RF: straight to the bird.

MR: traveled behind the holding blind made two circles deep and to the right before breaking over to retrieve the bird.

HRF: drove the hill just skimming the backside of the holding blind to make a left toward the bird for a Job Well-Done!


No-Bird 20. FC Hunting Creek Classy Girl JH “Classy”, LF, Alan Pleasant

came to the line at 3:12pm

No-Bird HFR:


Handled 38. FC-AFC Creekside Maggie J “Maggie”, LF, Chris Ledford

RF: small area hunt to retrieve the bird.

MR: went straight to the bird.

HRF: traveled deep of the area drove the hill left of the gunner toward the far tree-line , Chris Handled to the bird.


No-Bird 31. FC Wing Magic’s Standpipe Moon “Piper”, LF, Mark Edwards

HRF: No-Bird


Handled 23. FC-AFC Great Bunns Of Fire “Jerry Lee”, LF, Ray Voigt

came to the line at 2:52 pm

RF: stepped on it!

Hen FR: made a couple passes short of the area and then turned toward the holding blind back out toward the area to retrieve the bird.

MR: drove thru the area looked to be going back to the HRF, Ray Handled to the bird.


No-Bird 4. FC-AFC Ragin Eye Of The Storm “Cane”, LM, Alan Pleasant

came to the line at 2:49 pm

No-Bird Hen Flyer Retired


Test Dog for Series 9

Test Dog came to the line at 2:32 pm

Test Dog #1 Sammie/ Payton

RF: Perfect mark!

MR: traveled behind the holding blind to make a loop into the cover to retrieve the bird.

HFR: traveled thru the fall of the MR, drove up the hill to est a hunt on the back side of gun station before Sammie Handled to the bird.

Test Dog #2 Clint Joyner/ Sister

RF: Nice mark!

HFR: traveled under the arc and over to the bird.

MR: drove thru the fall looked to be headed back to the Flyer and Sister was Handled to the bird.


Series 9 Land Triple with Two Retired Marks

H. Cooper Black has a tremendous variety fields with good cover and rolling terrain to chose from for the 2013 NRC tests. We are now near the club house where a few of the Series had already run. The sky is partly cloudy and the wind is gently out of the West switching to the Southwest at times steadily blowing at 5 to 10 MPH. The starting mat is facing to the East providing for all the marks to be down wind in this checkerboard patterned mowed field of a gentle roll. The dogs begin at the top of a hill looking down into the valley of another hillside.

The first gun station throws a Hen pheasant flyer angle back to the right landing in a cover strip measuring at 261 yards retiring into a manufactured brush pile. This will be referred to as the (HF).

The next gun station to throw is situated shorter and slightly left of the first mark measuring at 153 yards, it too retires in a manufactured brush pile. This mark will be referred to as the Middle Retired (MR) and throws a dead Hen pheasant angle back to the left landing in a cover strip.

The third and final mark of this Triple marking test is shorter and to the left of the second mark. It is a Rooster pheasant flyer measuring at 126 yards thrown flat to the left also landing in a cover strip. These gunners remain sitting out and visible from the line. It is currently 2:30pm with a Dew pt of 59%, Humidity of 65% and a temperature of 70°F, our High for the day.

This 9th Series test is averaging 6 mins per dog.


Scrapping the 9th Series

After the first 6 dogs ran Series 9, we had 1 No-Bird, and 3 Double Handles....the judges have decided to scrap the current Series 9 test.

We are relocating and the judges will be setting up with a new test scenario for Series 9 of the 2013 National Retriever Championship.


9th Series Test Description

Land Quad with Two Retired Marks – SCRAPPED TEST

The test begins on top of a hill overlooking a large bowl-shaped valley. The field is mowed in a checkerboard pattern and sprinkled with oak saplings and old large round hay bails. The starting mat faces to the East and the wind is blowing constant out of the SW at 8 mph. The skies are partly cloudy and the temperature is a pleasant 64 degrees with a bit of humidity.

The gunners are situated in a valley of this large picturesque field. The first bird to be thrown is up the middle of the test. It is a dead rooster pheasant measuring at 125 yards. This dead rooster pheasant is thrown hard angled bakc to the left and retires behind some hay bails, with strategically placed oak saplings around it. This bird will be referred to as the Right Retired (RR) .

The next bird to be thrown is just deep and to the left, still situated in the valley and also retires behind some oak saplings. This mark is measuring at 176 yards, and they are throwing a dead hen pheasant, angled back to the left. We will be referring to this mark as the left retired (LR).

The third bird to be thrown in this land quad is a hen pheasant flyer. Thrown flat to the left, landing in cover. This gun station is sitting on the side hill up the valley and is measuring at 210 yards. We will be referring to this mark as the Hen Flyer (HF).

The fourth and final bird to be shot in this land quad moves the dog across the test to the far right. This gun station is also sitting somewhat on a side hill in the valley, throwing a rooster pheasant flyer flat to the right, measuring at 250 yards. We will refer to this fourth and final bird as the Go Bird (Go).

All of these birds are landing in a variation of cover.

 Test time is averaging 9.5 minutes per dog to complete.


Callbacks to the 9th Series


24 dogs back

dog #4 starts the 9th series....

7 dogs were dropped
1, 22, 27, 57, 60, 72, 91



Due to poor service on location at the 8th Series, we were not able to get the individual dog work up on the blog in a timely fashion. However we will be posting that very soon!

For now, we are posting the Callbacks to the 9th Series to keep you up to date on how the 2013 National Championship is progressing
Thank you for your understanding....

Retriever News Team...


Thank you again to the Sponsors of the 2013 NRC

Here are our Sponsors and Patrons for the National Retriever Championship this year…

Purina Pro Plan
Avery Sporting Dog
Kent Ammunition
Eukanuba Performance
Chris Chantland
City Of Cheraw/David Sides
K2 Solutions, Inc
The W.C. Russell Moccasin Co.
Retriever News

Please express your gratitude and show your patronage to these wonderful Sponsors, who without them there would not be a National Championship event.


59. FC-AFC Hoot N Holler “Hoot”, LM, John Henninger

3 whistles to get through the goal posts, 4 whistles to get past the PB, 1 whistle to enter the water and carry it to the end


57. FC-AFC Duckblind’s Real McCoy “Charli”, LF, Dave Opseth

1 whistle to get through the goal posts, 4 whistles to get past the poison bird and several whistels to get into the corner of the water, tip-toeing the shore line to retrieve the bird


55. FC-AFC Lubys And Whitewaters Pirate’s Jewel “Jewel”, LF, Ray Voigt

Carried initial line through the goal posts, needed only 2 whistles to get past the poison bird and 1 final whistle to carry the cast and retrieve the bird for an excellent job!


51. FC-AFC Robbers’ Stray Bullet “Bullet”, LM, Alan Pleasant

Needed 2 whistles to get through the goal posts, 2 whistles to get past he PB, and carried the cast all the way to the end and complete the retrieve


50. FC Baypoint’s Shades Of Bleu “Magic”, LM, Jim Gonia

Came to the line at 10:58 am EST

Carried initial line through the goal posts, needed 3 whistles to get past the PB, and 3 whistles to enter the water and complete the retrieve.


Re-Bird 49. FC-AFC Big Alfonse Capone Of Mo-Kan “Al”, LM, Bill Eckett

Came to the line at 10:55 am EST

Required one whistle to get through the goal post, 4 whistles to get past the PB and into the water, and a few more whistles to complete the retrieve.


48. FC-AFC Kimber VIII “Kimber”, LF, Jerry Patopea

Took a great initial line through the goal post, required 4 whistles to get past the PB and carried that to the end to complete the retrieve.


45. FC-AFC Tip From A Gypsy “Marley”, LF, Danny Farmer

Took initial line through the goal posts, needed 3 whistles to get past the poison bird, and 3 more whistles to get into the water and complete the retrieve.


39. FC Fox Haven’s Born To Run MH “Dash”, LM, Don Remien

2 whistles to get through the goal posts, 2 whistles to get past the PB, carrying the cast all the way to the end for the retrieve. Nice job.


38. FC-AFC Creekside Maggie J “Maggie”, LF, Chris Ledford

2 whistles to get through the goal posts, 2 whistles to get past the poison bird, and 2 whistles to get in the water and complete the retrieve


31. FC Wing Magic’s Standpipe Moon “Piper”, LF, Mark Edwards

2 whistles to get through the goal posts, 5 whistles to get past the poison bird, and only 2 whistles to finish out the retrieve.


Pick-Up 27. FC-AFC Fresh Squeezed Juice “Juice”, LM, Mark Medford

Refused all whistles and casts to retrieve the PB


23. FC-AFC Great Bunns Of Fire “Jerry Lee”, LF, Ray Voigt

Needed 3 whistles to get through the goal posts, 2 whistles to get past the PB, and requiring 1 whistle to complete the retrieve.


Pick-Up 22. FC-AFC Indian Height’s Get Away “George”, LM, Carl Ruffalo

Refused all whistles and casts to retrieve the PB


20. FC Hunting Creek Classy Girl JH “Classy”, LF, Alan Pleasant

Only needed 2 whistles to get through the goal posts, 3 whistles to get past the PB, carrying it all the way to the end for a good job.


19. FC Trumarc’s Dot Come “Dottie”, LF, Danny Farmer

Had 3 whistles up front going wide right at the pine trees. Had 3 whistles to get past the PB. But only required to whistles to get into the water and retrieve the bird.


16. FC-AFC Mercy Mercy Mercy Me “Mercy”, LF, Paul Sletten

1 whistle to get through the goal posts, 3 whistles to get past the PB and into the water, after getting in the water, carried the line all the way to the end and only requiring a check down whistle to retrieve the bird.


10. FC Hyfly’n Turbo Jet “Turbo”, LM, Ray Voigt

Initial line carried the dog through the goal post, needed only 2 whistles to get past the PB, and only requiring 2 more whistles to enter the water and complete the retrieve.


9. FC-AFC Candlewood’s Skyrocket “Sky”, LF, Chris Ledford

2 whistles to get through the goal posts, 3 whistles to get past the PB and enter the water, and then 1 last whistle to complete the retrieve.


6. Henfield’s Zoe “Zoe”, LF, Danny Farmer

Needed 3 whistles to get through the pine trees, needed 2 whistles to get past the PB, and needed just 2 more whistles to enter the water and complete the retrieve.


4. FC-AFC Ragin Eye Of The Storm “Cane”, LM, Alan Pleasant

Needed only 1 whistle to get through the pine trees, required several whistles to get past the PB and enter the water, needed a few more whistles to complete the retrieve.


Pick-Up 1. FC Peakebrook’s Secret Weapon “Bond”, LM, Al Arthur

One whistle to get through the pine trees, several whistles near the PB, before the dog retrieved the PB.


Pick-Up 91. Utopian Sixteen Hands “Hunter”, LM, Jerry Patopea

Came to the line at 10:05 am EST

Needed several whistles up front, refusing the casts, and retrieved the PB


82. FC Sweetie’s Easy Rider “Ford”, LM, Jim Gonia

Required 2 whistles to get through the goal posts. Needed several whistles to get past the PB and into the water, requiring a few more whistles to complete the retrieve.


77. FC-CFC Laird’s Cynful Wisdom “Wiley”, LF, Dave Smith

Came to the line at 10:00 am ET

Needed only 1 whistle to get through the pine trees, requiring 3 whistles to get past the PB and to get into the water. Requiring 2 more whistles to complete the retrieve.


75. FC-AFC Coolwater’s Knockout “Punch”, LM, Alex Washburn

Needed only 1 whistle to get through the goal posts, needed one more whistle to get past the poison bird and enter the water, with only 2 more whistles to complete the retrieve.


2013 NRC
Running Order

1. FC Peakebrook’s Secret Weapon “Bond”, LM, Al Arthur
2. Dunn Hill’s User Friendly MH “Webster”, LM, Wayne Curtis
3. FC Rock River Benjamin “Ben”, LM, Bill Eckett
4. FC-AFC Ragin Eye Of The Storm “Cane”, LM, Alan Pleasant
5. FC-AFC-CFC-CAFC Upon The Wings Of An Answered Prayer “Ammo”, LF, Bill Petrovish
6. Henfield’s Zoe “Zoe”, LF, Danny Farmer
7. FC-AFC Texas Troubador “Tubb”, LM, Martha Russell
8. FC Bigwoods Hillbilly Hammer “Hammer”, LM, Don Remien
9. FC-AFC Candlewood’s Skyrocket “Sky”, LF, Chris Ledford
10. FC Hyfly’n Turbo Jet “Turbo”, LM, Ray Voigt
11. Beaverdam’s What You Need “Matty”, LF, Dolores Smith
12. FC-AFC Citori’s No Holds Barred “Free”, LF, Bill Sargenti
13. FC Topbrass Linekin’s Riptide “Rip”, GM, Rick Roberts
14. FC-AFC Ironweeds High Bird Shooter MH MNH “Shooter”, LM, Paul Brown
15. FC-AFC Tweed’s Rough Rider “Teddy”, LM, Dave Smith
16. FC-AFC Mercy Mercy Mercy Me “Mercy”, LF, Paul Sletten
17. FC Dogwoods Fear Factor “Boo”, LM, Tim Milligan
18. NFC Watermark’s Running Back “Emmit”, LM, Jim Gonia
19. FC Trumarc’s Dot Come “Dottie”, LF, Danny Farmer
20. FC Hunting Creek Classy Girl JH “Classy”, LF, Alan Pleasant
21. FC-AFC Un Petit Peu Canaille “Canaille”, LF, F. Lee Jolley
22. FC-AFC Indian Height’s Get Away “George”, LM, Carl Ruffalo
23. FC-AFC Great Bunns Of Fire “Jerry Lee”, LF, Ray Voigt
24. FC-AFC Tealcreek Patton’s Saber “Saber”, LM, Chris Hatch
25. FC-AFC Hardscrabbles Powder My Buns “Pow”, LM, Al Arthur
26. AFC Ruff Rivers Oasis On The Plains “Colby”, LF, Bill Eckett
27. FC-AFC Fresh Squeezed Juice “Juice”, LM, Mark Medford
28. NAFC-FC Dottie Ray’s Ivy League “Ivy”, LF, John Henninger
29. NFC-AFC Seaside’s Pelican Pete “Pete”, LM, Steve Yozamp
30. FC-AFC KPR’s Wet Willie “Willie”, LM, Jim Pickering
31. FC Wing Magic’s Standpipe Moon “Piper”, LF, Mark Edwards
32. FC Vinwood’s Merle Haggard “Merle”, LM, Danny Farmer
33. FC-AFC B Bumble “Stinger”, LM, Ray Voigt
34. FC-AFC Windy City’s Dark Cloud “Stormy”, LM, Charlie Hines
35. FC Shooter’s Super Chief “Buddy”, LM, Alan Pleasant
36. FC Ledyno’s I Wanna Be A Lucky Star JH “Eddie”, LM, Wayne Curtis
37. FC-AFC Rocky Creeks Full Tilt Boogie “Pearl”, LF, John Caire
38. FC-AFC Creekside Maggie J “Maggie”, LF, Chris Ledford
39. FC Fox Haven’s Born To Run MH “Dash”, LM, Don Remien
40. FC Patton’s Black Water Ripper “Rip”, LM, Dave Rorem
41. FC Adams Acres Water Lilly “Lilly”, LF, Bill Sargenti
42. FC Rivertown Augustus McChigger “Gus”, LM, Scott Harp
43. Thunder’s Bootscootin’’ Abe JH “Abe”, LM, Rob Erhardt
44. FC-AFC Candlewoods Life Is A Highway “Freeway”, LM, Paul Sletten
45. FC-AFC Tip From A Gypsy “Marley”, LF, Danny Farmer
46. FC-AFC Henninger’s Slick N Ready “Tru”, LM, Mark Medford
47. FC Peakebrook’s Brawny Force “Dozer”, LM, Al Arthur
48. FC-AFC Kimber VIII “Kimber”, LF, Jerry Patopea
49. FC-AFC Big Alfonse Capone Of Mo-Kan “Al”, LM, Bill Eckett
50. FC Baypoint’s Shades Of Bleu “Magic”, LM, Jim Gonia
51. FC-AFC Robbers’ Stray Bullet “Bullet”, LM, Alan Pleasant
52. FC LKY’s Controlled Chaos “Riot”, LM, Kenny Trott
53. FC Jazztime Empty Wallet “Cash”, LM, Bill Totten
54. FC-AFC Wingover’s Pedro II “Pedro”, LM, Dolores Smith
55. FC-AFC Lubys And Whitewaters Pirate’s Jewel “Jewel”, LF, Ray Voigt
56. NFC-AFC Candlewood’s Something Royal “Windy”, LF, Ken Neil
57. FC-AFC Duckblind’s Real McCoy “Charli”, LF, Dave Opseth
58. FC-AFC Dominator Boots She Worth It “Boots”, LF, Danny Farmer
59. FC-AFC Hoot N Holler “Hoot”, LM, John Henninger
60. Beaverdam’s Blockbuster “Buster”, LM, Rick Roberts
61. FC-AFC Rev Blu Genes “Rev”, LM, Ed Forry
62. FC-AFC Bayou Teche Eye On The Ball “Slider”, LM, Lauren Hays
63. FC-AFC Tiger Mtn’s Hokulele “Hoke”, LM, Don Bovers
64. FC Queen Wilhelmina Of The Netherlands “Willa”, LF, Wayne Curtis
65. FC Paddlecreek’s Carbon Grade “Coal”, LM, Ray Voigt
66. FC Ashland’s Annabella “Bella”, LF, Alan Pleasant
67. FC Indi Go Girl “Indy”, LF, Chris Ledford
68. FC-AFC Valtor’s Hayseed Kid “Kid”, LM, Don Remien
69. FC-AFC Third Creek’s Big Stick “Woody”, LM, Paul Knutson
70. FC-AFC Sara’s Blue Streak “Blue”, LM, Bill Goldstein
71. FC-AFC Bob And Ed’s Excellent Adventure “Chef”, LM, Ed Krueger
72. FC-AFC Trumarc’s Hollandaise “Holland”, LM, Danny Farmer
73. FC Topbrass No Time To Paws “Flash”, GM, Bill Eckett
74. FC-AFC-CNFC-CNAFC Nightwings Marsh Leader “Guide”, LM, Bill Sargenti
75. FC-AFC Coolwater’s Knockout “Punch”, LM, Alex Washburn
76. Richland’s Power Gem “Onyx”, LF, Mark Edwards
77. FC-CFC Laird’s Cynful Wisdom “Wiley”, LF, Dave Smith
78. FC-AFC Hardscrabble Roxie McBunn “Roxie”, LF, Ray Voigt
79. Magic Tricks Autumn Creek Tazz “Tazz”, LM, Paul Sletten
80. FC Bayou Teche Cassi “Cassi”, LF, Ryan Brasseaux
81. FC-AFC Lake Countrys Cold Cash “Cash”, LM, Alan Pleasant
82. FC Sweetie’s Easy Rider “Ford”, LM, Jim Gonia
83. FC-AFC Watermark’s Shadow Dancer “Dancer”, LF, Charlie Hays
84. Moodys Nitz “Schmidt”, LM, Charlie Moody
85. FC Jazztime Montana Cowboy “Roper”, LM, Danny Farmer
86. FC Road Warriors Dieter Brock “Deets”, LM, Dave Rorem
87. FC-AFC Lanes Lets Get Ready To Rumble “Ali”, LM, Bobby Lane
88. FC-AFC Tru’s Little Cruiser “Cruise”, LM, John Henninger
89. FC-AFC Dominator’s High Spade “Ace”, LM, Mark Medford
90. FC Aksarben’s Black Skyy “Skyy”, LM, Rob Erhardt
91. Utopian Sixteen Hands “Hunter”, LM, Jerry Patopea
92. FC-AFC Texaco’s High Tesse “Star”, LF, Alex Abraham